Saturday, April 26, 2014

It has been a while

Still working on the business  but focusing on the creative part (teaching scrapbooking classes) and I hope to spend some time getting the photography side going this summer. I am not in a rush and want to enjoy it. I have got a couple of family snapshots to how from our little mini vacation/roadtrip to the Belgian seaside during our Spring break as well as photos of me and little ones (well not so little anymore). 
All these photos were taken and edited with my smart phone a LUMIA1020.

Having fun ... 

Fun beach huts

Me&My boys in black and white.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Voici quelques photos d'une séance faite avec ma soeur et sa fille, qui date déjà mais j'adore ces clichés.

Friday, January 31, 2014


TODAY IS THE DAY. I'm officially a photographer. It will be an extra job on the side. On this blog I will share my sessions.
Aujourd'hui est LE GRAND JOUR. Je me lance comme photographe en activité complémentaire. Si cela vous intéresse, contactez moi ici: Je suis situé dans la province du Luxembourg en Belgique.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


will be a year full of new adventures as far as photography is concerned. I'll be back soon to tell you more but I still have to finish off some things. The change in the blog title should give you an idea about what it is about. 

Here are a couple of my latest shots.

The next shots were taken by my boys with the DSRL. Mine is pretty big so it is hard for them to get sharp pictures. I love the photos because they put me in the picture with them.