Friday, January 31, 2014


TODAY IS THE DAY. I'm officially a photographer. It will be an extra job on the side. On this blog I will share my sessions.
Aujourd'hui est LE GRAND JOUR. Je me lance comme photographe en activité complémentaire. Si cela vous intéresse, contactez moi ici: Je suis situé dans la province du Luxembourg en Belgique.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


will be a year full of new adventures as far as photography is concerned. I'll be back soon to tell you more but I still have to finish off some things. The change in the blog title should give you an idea about what it is about. 

Here are a couple of my latest shots.

The next shots were taken by my boys with the DSRL. Mine is pretty big so it is hard for them to get sharp pictures. I love the photos because they put me in the picture with them.